RPG Builder Version 1.0.4

What’s New ?

  • Dialogue System
  • Game Actions Trigger
  • Weapon Templates
  • Support for class-less RPG
  • Now possible to use any external character controller in a much easier way
  • MMO Controller by John Stairs is now fully integrated with RPG Builder
  • Automatically targeting an attacker if we did not already have a target
  • Escape now cancels casting
  • Tooltips are now following the mouse position
  • Now possible to choose the Target Type for Effects attached to Items
  • Adding Skill EXP has been added to interactive nodes
  • Added Task Completion to interactive nodes


  • The current editor selection is now reset after each editor layout change
  • The socketing panel is now properly reset after closing it
  • Character Vitality Stats no longer get low when equipping/unequipping items, they stay at the same percentage
  • Auto attacks are now automatically triggered when dealing damage to a target with an ability
  • Vitality Stats are now also set to the max when entering the game
  • Stats calculation when equipping items has been optimized
  • Interactive with the RPG Builder editor while compiling scripts has been prevented, avoiding issues
  • Improved the Interactive Nodes custom inspector


  • Fixed pets not being destroyed after their duration
  • Fixed a Unity Editor issue that would reset some important data of the RPG Builder editor if the editor was open while re-compiling scripts
  • Fixed interactive nodes and NPC Spawners custom inspectors not saving changes if the game object was a prefab
  • Fixed the “target not in line of sight” message to popup when caused by NPCs
  • Fixed a bug that caused heals with other vitality stats than health to not work
  • Fixed Heal Over Time & Damage Over Time combat visuals not being triggered
  • Fixed a bug that returned an error when a world dropped item had no model attached
  • Fixed various null reference errors on gameplay code
  • Fixed targeted projectiles being stuck if their current target died
  • Fixed a bug causing the crafting panel to show incorrect values for the possible craft count in the recipe list
  • Fixed deleting item window to show up when releasing a dragged item over UI panels
  • Fixed various issues that caused dragged Items / Abilities to be stuck on screen after releasing
  • Fixed Item Stack handling
  • Fixed full inventory handling when receiving items
  • The merchant item list now properly scrolls
  • Fixed a bug in the built-in controller that caused no gravity when using the WASD controller
  • Fixed a bug that would use Effects on the target instead of self when using an item
  • Fixed pets attacking dead targets in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where item loss would trigger quest progress
  • Prevented the option to un-rank a talent tree node that was automatically unlocked
  • Fixed a bug that caused some resource nodes to not be interactable within the talent trees
  • Fixed custom inspector/editor issues with the interactive nodes causing data loss from the interactive nodes inspector
  • Fixed Main Menu manager not resetting temporary Character Data when clicking new character. Only happening in the cases that a user modify the Main Menu execution order