What are Blink’s goals?

Blink is focusing on Unity tool development, art assets, and building a community of game developers from all around the world.

2. What are the current projects?

The main projects are RPG Builder and all the upcoming art asset packs.

3. What is RPG Builder?

RPG Builder is the number 1 tool on the Unity Asset Store to create advanced RPG Games without having to code!

Everything is done inside an easy-to-use custom Unity editor.

4. How can I get RPG Builder?

Get it on the Unity Asset Store: https://bit.ly/32X3fPz

5. Is RPG Builder supporting multiplayer?

No. This was never the plan, my goal is to make the best Unity tool for creating offline RPGs. With this said, I plan to release a multiplier version in the future, as a separate purchase. The scope is for co-op games up to 10 players per instance, nothing on the MMO scale.

6. What are the best ways to support you?


Being here in the community is great already, I love to chat with gamers and developers. Tell your friends about this community if you think they might be interested.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/fYzpuYwPwJ


I want to grow the Blink YouTube channel

I enjoy making videos about my work. I love sharing about it as well as getting feedback and suggestions on it. If you think some of your friends would find that interesting too, consider sharing my channel with them!

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/BlinkStudiosYouTube


I have a Patreon but I currently do not have the time I would want to spend on it yet, but I have a lot of plans for it in the future. Only support me there now if you do not expect much in return, and it is absolutely a bonus, not expected. Thank you!
Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/BlinkStudios

And of course, by buying my assets on the Unity Asset Store:

RPG Builder: https://bit.ly/32X3fPz