Unity Tool
RPG Builder
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No Coding
Everything is done directly inside the clean and easy to use editor
Module Based
RPG Builder is made of over 28 modules that serve a unique purpose
Developers should never feel limited by the tools they use
Decide exactly how your game should work and feel
Over 100 YouTube videos covering RPG Builder
FEATURES & SYSTEMS: (Version 1.0)
- Spellbook
- Faction System)
- Abilities
- Effects
- Conditional Effects
- Vitality Actions
- Auto Attacks
- Action Abilities
- AI
- NPC Spawner System
- Stats
- Talent Trees
- Target Combat
- Action Combat
- Pet System
- Bonuses
- Ability Tags
- Ability Animations & Particles
- Randomized Item Stat System
- Gear Sets
- Enchanting
- Socketing & Gems
- ARPG Loot System
- Loading Screen System
- Item Rarity
- Load/Save System
- Character Controllers
- Items
- Inventory
- Skills
- Level Templates
- Races & Classes
- Loot Tables
- Merchant Tables
- Currencies
- Crafting Recipes
- Crafting Stations
- Minimap System
- Task & Quest
- Teleportation
- Coordinates
- Resource Nodes
- Interactive Nodes
- Game Scenes
- Graveyard System
- Talent Trees
- Action Bars
- Stat Bars
- Experience Bars
- Character Panel
- Inventory
- Skill Book
- Quest Journal
- Quest Tracker
- Game Events
- Options / Settings
- Boss UI
- Advanced Screenspace Nameplates
- Combat Text System
- Pet Panel
- Player States (Buff/Debuff)
- Target UI
- Crafting Panel
- Merchant
- Developer Panel
- Items & Ability Tooltips